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  • tlglawson70

Cruel and Unusual Punishment in Department of Corruption

These people are so EVIL! On Friday the 19th, we were lockdown for cell searches. Upon search CO's found PLASTIC PAPER CUTTING SCISSORS. The CO's were rookies and presented the object to the SGT and LT Aguiar for disposition. I told them I purchased it several years ago while at SCI-GREENE and had no receipt. The scissors were confiscated and I was issued misconduct for class 1 "possession of serious contraband, and failure to report contraband". I was immediately escorted off the unit in handcuffs and video taped. I was put in the HOLE where I was strip searched and thrown in a cell with only a mattress, sheet, towel, washcloth, soap, and my underwear & jumpsuit for 4 days. I had to wash my underwear in the toilet everyday because they were the only pair I had. I went to hearing Monday and although I pled guilty, the hearing examiner Revoked Contraband charges and reduced to a class 2 where no disciplinary action taken because the misconduct wasn't as serious in his opinion and I was misconduct free since 1998.

Back on my unit, my property was packed up by the SGT and CO's. I come back to find they ransacked my property, stole some commissary items and threw out some things all evaluated at approximately $300. I feel completely VIOLATED! I also discovered that the plastic scissors I was issued misconduct for is on the new commissary list! I want to file grievance but I have no proof of what was taken. I am figuring out what to do. I tell you, my head was spinning from my traumatic weekend. I feared these people was trying to kill me and I could not eat for 2 days. I did succumb to the hunger and had a meal, but I didn't come out of cell until hearing and release. God is good and THESE people are EVIL!

The experience was very traumatic for me. I felt as if I was back on death row's solitary confinement waiting to be executed. At first I couldn't eat or sleep and my mind was constantly racing with dark brooding thoughts, and then anxiety over what was to come from the misconduct. Foolishly I felt compelled to to plead guilty as I relived the horror of the homicide police interrogation where I was coerced into confessing to the murder that got me incarcerated in the first place. It didn't register to plea Not Guilty to misconduct. Hearing examiner assured me he was reducing the charge and not disciplinary action would be taken. On the real, the misconduct should have been thrown out; better yet, it never should've been written. They should have known it wasn't contraband, especially after I informed them I brought ten with me during transfer.

I am filing grievance about being thrown in the HOLE due to misrepresentation of policy which caused the ransacking & damage of my property. I doubt that anything will come of this, but I must try.

*Daniel Gwynn is still confined in Pennsylvania. And though he is very close to freedom after serving decades on Death Row for a crime he did not can see that he is still very much being treated poorly in a system that is designed ONLY for punishment. We are awaiting news. Daniel could be free very soon!

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