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  • tlglawson70

“Deserving of a Second Chance…

Hello, how are you? My name is Montusa Karundo Tabann Pace and I'm currently housed at Nottoway Correctional Center and I'm parole eligible under the Fishback law. I'm contacting you in an effort, or in hopes of assistance toward my parole/ pardon petition.

I've been incarcerated for 24 years for a home invasion in which the life of a man was taken. Although I was not responsible for the life that was taken I have tremendous remorse for his family's loss and I take full responsibility for my role in this crime. I regrettably, in my ignorance, carelessness and immaturity, did kill a dog, for which I'm extremely sorry. I understand now just how much of an impact this action has affected other's.

My sentencing guidelines were 32 yrs to 54 yrs with a midpoint of just under 44 yrs. Instead of being sentenced within the guidelines for my participation in this unfortunate crime, I was sentenced to 3 life sentences plus 173 years. My remorse today doesn't mitigate the seriousness of what transpired that day, but I'm praying an argument can be made that'll emphasize the excessive nature in which I was sentenced, in contrast to the established guidelines.

Since being incarcerated, I've taken this time to better myself and be a positive influence to those around me. I've been fortunate in obtaining several personal, vocational and educational

accomplishments. I'm a Prea Instructor/ Peer Educator, where I inform and mentor men just entering prison on ways to protect themselves and better themselves while incarcerated, so they'll be productive citizens once released. I'm cofounder of an outreach group named T.U.G. (The Unity Group) and I'm enrolled in Southside Virginia Community College, majoring in Business, while working to obtain my Bachelor's degree in Psychology with a concentration in Sociology.

I've also received certifications in HVACR, AA/NA, Universal Technician, Victim's Impact, TAG (Thought Awareness Group),

PREPS (Preventing Recidivism by Educating for Parole Success), Economics for Financing, Advance Business Software Application, Serve Safe, Houses of Healing, Business Software Application, Intro to Computers, Anger Management and Art Therapy, Custodial Maintenance, Breaking Barriers, Computer Literacy and Cognitive Skills Development. I'm now enrolled in

Horticulture as well as the Inside out Dad program, learning ways to be a better father from in here as well as out there.

I know none of this can take away what I've done and the role I played in a man losing his life, but I can only hope and pray this gives you a glimpse of the man I am today. Attached is a copy of my 2020 parole packet. Any assistance you can offer such as advocacy, advice or a referral will be greatly appreciated. My next parole hearing is scheduled for June 15, 2023.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Montusa Karundo Tabann Pace #1170776

Nottoway Correctional Center

P.O. Box 488

Burkeville Va. 23922

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