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Justice for Tyre Nichlos

What happened to #TyreNichols just sickens me. What pisses me off even more is this fool was a CO who had beat an incarcerared individual and im sure there was others he done it too. Correction officers do this on a regular and get away with it for 4 reasons.

1. Most states do not require body cams on cos

2. Its the incarcarated individual word againt DOC (which is their own army) aka brotherhood code

3. Our prisons are so short staft they cant afford to lose a co so they turn their heads

4. And lastly everyone in prison is looked at the same. Like they the worst of the worse so no one cares what happens to them.

Not everyone in prison is a murderer or a rapist. Not everyone has a victim to their crime. To many are wrongfully convicted on a daily.

Im seeing all these states rioting yesterday when are these states gonna do the same thing for those behind the walls who go throught this shit every damn day

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